Below, please see some wonderful creations by builders around the world below. Thank you for sharing.
Blue Mallard by Marius E
24 January 2016
Mallards have a nice 'stream-lined' look. This one reminds me of LEGO trains from the early 1970s.
A trio of engines from Michael R
8 September 2015
Three electric engines, all with medium BBB drive wheels. Well done.
A pair of engines by Piotr
16 May 2015
A german BR62 and BR55 both with front lights and other detailing.
4-8-2 by Adam
5 May 2014
A great model with very distinctive, custom white rims on the wheels. More detailed images on Imgur.
Little Red Bulldog by Thomas
24 April 2014
A little steamer with medium drivers. MOCpages has more pictures to enjoy.
Japanese National Railways Class C62 by Hiro T
10 March 2014
A big steamer with XL drivers. The brickshelf folder
is worth a look as it shows the wonderful inner workings with gears to drive the main drive wheels.
Four great engines by John B
14 January 2014
A collection of four engines to everyone ot enjoy. Click images for larger images and greater detail.
4-6-2 by Russell
8 October 2013
A nice big engine with plenty of 'greebles' to enjoy.
Click on images for a larger view.
Global Train No 2 by Lucas
5 June 2013
A yellow train with front mounted drivers. Note the classic, and very rare, yellow door and 1x2x1 yellow windows used on the cab.
More images on flickr
Krupp Knapsack by Sven
5 May 2013
At 1:30 scale, and 12 studs wide, this is one large, very detailed model. The design is based on one preserverd at the Hespertalbahn mesuem railway in Germany.
The model uses XL drivers spaced to fit Gauge 1 track. Click on the image for a larger view to better appreciate all the details.
4449 Daylight by Rolf
4 April 2013
One of my personal favorites and this one features 8 XL drivers with nice clean lines transitioning to the tender and following cars.
Click on images for a larger view.
Two custom engines by Benjamin L
23 March 2013
A yellow wheeled 4-4-0 uses a blind-flanged driver configuration to help navigate curves. The 0-6-0 shunter uses a Power-Functions small
motor mounted vertically. Click on images for a larger view.
BR 22-012 by Emanuele A
11 November 2012
A big locomotive with eight BBB X-Large drivers.
2-6-4 engine by John B
15 October 2012
2-6-4 blue steam locomotive. Notice the raised wheels weels above the drivers.
Thomas the Tank Engine by Ryan E
12 September 2012
Thomas is a very useful engine featuring six medium BBB drivers. A nicely printed face brings this model to life.
Click on image for a larger view.
Tank Engine by Takashi J
23 June 2012
A very nice tank engine with medium drivers. Note the use of plastic
train track 'pins' for the guide rails on the connecting rods. Click on
image for a larger view.
A4 by Alan R
13 March 2012
Not a lot of gray engines to model out there but the few that are, when
done well, look sharp. Click on image for a larger view.
Mountain Engine by Vimal
2 January 2012
Getting trains to go up steep slopes are an ongoing challenge. Both in
the real world and in the world of LEGO trains. Vimal built a train
that used chain link on the track to model a 'cog' railway.
More pictures on flickr
and a video on
BR 94-1292 by Emanuele A
4 October 2011
Lots of fun detailing on this model for inspiration.
Mindstorms trains in the UK
16 August 2011
Stephen K sends a picture showning a creation by students at the
University of Birmingham who programed mindsorms to control the trains,
controlling the distance between trains and opening doors at a station.
BR01 with station by Emanuele A
22 July 2011
Great models frequenty inspire others to build the same. Here is a copy
of Johan's, BR 01 shown below. More pictures on brickshelf.
Steampunk using trainwheels
from Guy H
26 June 2011
Not everyone builds trains with trainwheels.... Click images for a
larger view.
American 4-4-0 by Taylor H
22 May 2011
Inspired by the train at Disneyland named the C.K. Holliday. Click
image for a larger view.
Two very nice engines by
18 April 2011
These and many more beautiful trains can be found on flickr.
His slightly tapered boiler on the black engine is especially
BR 01 - 1075 in 1:45 scale by
Johannes van den Heuvel
3 April 2011
A wonderfully detailed model with Power Function motors driving the XL
Drivers. Well worth the time to explore more detailed 'how-to' pictures
on flickr.
BR23 by Holger
3 April 2011
One of the first models to feature Big Ben Bricks XL drivers.
Click the picture for a larger view or go to HoMa's World of Bricks
channel for more videos.
A fine steam engine
featuring XL drivers with a very clever
wheel arrangement. The first axle pivots, the 2nd, 3rd, 4th
and 5th axles and rigid to the
chassis. To make this work on curves the XL drivers are in a
Blind-Flanged-Blind configuration.
Illinois Central 4-8-2
Mountain Type #2350 by Eric
6 March 2010
Link to mocpages
for more pictures and a video with excellent sound effects worth
Aussie 520 class 4-8-4
locomotive by Heath Ward
24 January 2010
A great large stream liner with very smooth lines. Click the picture
for a larger view.
2-8-4 locomotive by Bob
4 January 2010
A fun video to watch with lots of great details of the internal
gearing. Link to this and other videos
on youtube
British Locomotive 'Tornado'
by Andrew Harvey
2 January 2010
Notice the very slim and detailed steam cylinders and cylinder rods.
More details on
German Switch Engine by
31 December 2009
Good use of medium drivers.
2-6-0 Mogul by Jonatan
26 October 2009
A nice little Mogul engine with a 'funny critter' on the tender.
Steam Engine by dci
5 August 2009
4-6-0 Ohio Central Railroad
Ten Wheeler by Gerrit Carstensen
17 July 2009
Plenty of nice details here to admire. Check our high resolution
pictures on
BR50 by Alexander
30 July 2009
Plenty of nice details here to admire. More info and pictures on
Live Steam on G-scale track!
by David Wegmuller
12 July 2009
Actual live steam drives this around on an outdoor G-scale railroad.
The chassis is built with LEGO and uses Big Ben Bricks train wheels as
the driving wheels.
More pictures and a video can be found
And similarly, the one below uses a steam powered turbine.
2-6-6-6 Allegheny #1602 by
Anthony Sava
16 June 2009
Certainly one of the largest LEGO trains around on normal L-gage track.
I was most impressed with seeing how smooth it runs - especially given
the tight radius of standard LEGO train track.
More pictures and video on Anthony's
4-4-0 by Caleb Randolph
7 June 2009
Plenty of nice details on this classic 4-4-0 engine. I especially like
the flared top on the tender
More pictures in his
British Railways A4 class by
Max Brayne
6 June 2009
A nicely streamlined steam engine with an uncommon use of a 2x2 clear
slop for a front facing cab window
More pictures on
Sedona Locomotive by Dave
4 June 2009
Nice colors and good use of blind, flanged, blind wheel configuration
for the large drivers.
More pictures on
2016 0-6-0 Work Train by Peter
2 June 2009
Lots of great details to admire and a good use of the medium flanged
More pictures on
4-4-0 General by Thunder Dean
24 May 2009
Another great model of the classic General steam locomotive. Lots of
nice details including the cowcatcher which has a very classic 'LEGO'
feel to it.
PRR H10 #7688 by Cale Leiphart
12 May 2009
A very nice 8 wide train engine using power function features to drive
it. More pictures on
or read an excellent writeup in
Issue #5.
4-4-0 by Anthony Sava
11 May 2009
I'm very honored to own one of these myself and it among my favorite
engines. Anthony has come up with a very clever use of the minifig
wrench on the connection between the connecting arms and the steam
cylinders. The axle protruding from the steam cylinder remains fixed
during operation. A clever solution to a challenging problem. This
model is currently available on
4449 Daylight GS-4 by Ben
7 May 2009
This is my personal favorites and has been rebuilt to use Power
Function features combined with Big Ben Bricks train wheels.
Specifically, it use 3 battery powered train motors, a rechargable
battery and IR receiver.
Flying Scotsman by Carl
5 May 2009
An elegent rendition with lots of custom details. The large Big Ben
Bricks drivers are painted green.
More pictures on
4-8-8-4 Big Boy by Nathaniel
2 May 2009
The classic Union Pacific Big Boy - a very challenging steam locomotive
to build and scale well. The engineer minifig gives a good sense of
scale. More
pictures on Flickr.
4-12-2 Union Pacific by
Nathaniel Brill
2 May 2009
Another great big model by Nate Brill. This train style was exclusive
to Union Pacific and was unusual for it 12 driving wheels all atched to
the same rigid frame.
EP-2 by Jakob Bretting
24 March 2009
Milwaukee Road Class EP-2 Bi-Polar Electric Locomotive - 16 studs wide
with power function
features. It is a pleasure to watch this engine go.
Linkto more pictures and movies on Brickshelf.
Crocodile by Frank Rebner
10 March 2009
An excellent rendition of the classic Crocodile engine. Lots
of nice little details like the hinged panels along the sides and the
sloping ends of the cab. Check out the link for more pictures including
views of the power function
motors inside. Link
Frank's Gallery
Black Steamer by Emmanuel
1 March 2009
In an age when many people are going studless, Emmanual
gives us this nice design with lots of studs. I especially
like the roof of the cab and the tile pattern on the tender.
Link to more pictures including some nice purple coaches.
Stevenson's Rocket by Heath
17 February 2009
A clever rendition one of the earliest steam locomotives
and an excellent use of Yellow wheels. A picture of the realSteven's
Rocket can be found
Mikado by Richard "Charlie"
12 November 2008
The Mikado class steam engine is one of the most popular classic steam
engines and one of the most difficult to build with it's single axle
leading and trailing trucks. Charlie's rendition is
outstanding in many ways. One of the many nice details are the black
cookpots used as headlights on the front. Link to
Charlie's MOCPage here.
2-10-0 Evening Star 9F BR
standard class by Carl Greatrix
23 September 2008
It's not often you see a model with 10 large drivers so
this one is a treat. Especially with all the details.
pictures on Brickshelf.
German Baureihe-22 Steam
Engine by Rick Bewier
14 August 2008
Yes - this engine really has a working smoke generator.
Little steam engine by Oliver
1 February 2008
A nice little tank engine with working cyldinders and connecting rods
using medium sized drivers.
Big Boy by Catherine Lackner
12 December 2007
Another Big Boy model. Note the presence of three 9v train motors to
push this model along.
BR23 Steam Engine by Jose
14 October 2006
Jose has built a nice copy of Ben Beneke's BR23. I like this picutre
for it highlihgt the use of technic flex system connectors for the
connecting rods with short sections of rigid tubing around the flex
cable. Reference part numbers 6642 6643 and bb08c04L on bricklink.
Note: This design is originally done as a real MOC and in ldraw by
Reinhard 'Ben' Beneke as farther down in the Gallery.
4-8-8-4 by Skeeter Ebersole
8 April 2006
A big train MOC filled with fun and play
4-8-8-4 Big Boy by Andrew
18 January 2006
The prototypical elongated smokestacks on the top are a nice feature.
Hudson 4-6-4 3000 by John
6 December 2005
A Hudson steam engine with 12v train motors on classic gray track. More
pictures on
DR 18 German Express Train by
Ulrich Röder
31 August 2005
A very nice CAD rendering by one of the many great German train
builders. More pictures of this and other inspiring models on
BR23 German Steam Engine by
Reinhard "Ben" Beneke
29 August 2005
This is just one of Ben Beneke's great works of LEGO. More pictures,
including the actual model, of this engine on
or many more great models on his
Steam Engine by Bernard
16 April 2005
A nice big engine with lots of wheels. I wonder what those gears on the
tender do? (They drive an decoupling mechanism built into the tender)
4-6-2 Streamlined Steamtrain
by Teunis Davey
5 November 2004
Another great work from down under. Good details for his running gear
4-8-8-4 Union Pacific Big Boy
by -Crash-
25 October 2004
An excellent rendition of a Big Boy with an innovative cow catcher and
lots of other details. More pictures of this train and other on
Blue Streamliner Steam Engine
by Ben Fleskes
25 January 2004
A classic 1930s era streamliner steam engine. Portions of the leading
truck are built studs down and use minifig chairs for wheel fairings.